Google Earth Pro v7.3.4.8573 Multilingual Pre-Activated

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Google Earth Pro Portable mencakup semua fitur dan citra yang ditemukan di Google Earth, serta rangkaian opsi berorientasi bisnis yang disempurnakan, termasuk pengukuran jarak, area, dan 3D, banyak lapisan, dan kemampuan merekam video.

Program ini memungkinkan Anda menghitung jarak dalam kaki, mil, kilometer, hektar, dan unit lainnya. Selain itu, Anda dapat mengukur area dan radius, serta ketinggian bangunan dan jarak pandang.

Instruments for measuring and drawing

The program enables you to compute distances in feet, miles, kilometers, acres, and other units. Additionally, you can measure area and radius, as well as the height of a building and viewsheds.

Utilizing data layers

Google Earth Pro Portable enables you to conduct property research by zooming in to view parcel boundaries and obtaining information about the sale price, zoning, square footage, and other pertinent details. Demographic data, specifically media age, income, and education level, are displayed on thematic maps for your state, country, census tract, or block group.

The viewshed tool can be used to detect and calculate viewpoints, measure distances, and analyze a 360-degree line of sight using a color-coded 3-dimensional view mode. Additionally, you can visualize historical traffic trends on a global scale.

Options for import

Google Earth Pro enables the import of ESRI Shape (SHP), MapInfo (TAB), and Keyhole Markup Language (KML) files, as well as the addition of large image files that are automatically optimized and tiled. You can import addresses from CSV files and create custom-colored, titled, and sized thematic maps.

Distribute and share data

The application enables real-time recording and saving of 3D imagery. The video streams can be exported to WMV or AVI file formats or saved as images, and they can track the camera’s position in and out of multiple locations. Additionally, you can publish data on a website or via email.

Maps may include legends, HTML, directional indicators, scales, and titles and can be created directly from Google Earth Pro. You can print the maps or export them as PDFs or images. KML files can be used to save projects.

Pro Features:
• Allows you to regionate large datasets
• Provides access to demographic, parcel and traffic data
• Flexible distance and area measurement tools
• Can customize maps by adding legends, links and images
• Measure distances and elevations in 3D
• Geo-locate up to 2500 addresses
• Map GIS data
• Export maps as PDF
• Print in high resolution

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